The press conference in FCCJ


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Press conference at FCCJ

Robert Stone, Director of PANDORA'S PROMISE

11:00-12:15 Thursday October 17, 2013
Robert Stone



Has the environmentalist movement got it wrong on nuclear power? Rather than being the greatest threat to our priceless natural heritage, is it instead the greatest hope? This is the explosive question that award-winning director Robert Stone explores in his new documentary "Pandora's Promise."

Stone follows the intellectual and moral journey of several prominent environmental activists whose position on nuclear power shifted 180 degrees, from strong opponents to enthusiastic proponents. Stone does not shy away from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in his account.

The FCCJ is proud to host Robert Stone during his brief tour of Japan, and our event will include a screening of a shortened version of the full documentary. Please join us to explore some uncomfortable but crucial questions about what is, and what should be, the future of nuclear power after Fukushima.