The press conference in FCCJ


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Press conference at FCCJ

"FCCJ Tokyo gubernatorial candidate series"
Morihiro Hosokawa, Tokyo gubernatorial candidate

15:00-16:00 Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Morihiro Hosokawa, Tokyo gubernatorial candidate

東京都知事選候補者 細川護煕



Just when you thought nothing could challenge the Liberal Democratic Party's political dominance, a new candidate threatens to shake up the status quo.

Morihiro Hosokawa's shock decision to campaign for the Tokyo governorship once again brings nuclear power to the centre of the political debate. But he can do more: the maverick former prime minister was once very popular with voters, and has the potential to revitalize an opposition movement which has lost almost all momentum.

Hosokawa will run as an independent but is already backed by the DPJ and former PM Koizumi. His move could be perfectly timed to benefit from a reaction against the LDP's dominant position, nationalist and pro-establishment policies and bias in favour of nuclear power. He has good form in terms of defeating the LDP, as he and his coalition partners did for the first time in post-war Japanese history back in 1993.

Come to this press conference to judge whether this gifted politician and independent thinker can really challenge Abe's and the LDP's grip on Japan's most powerful and important city.


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