The press conference in FCCJ


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Press conference at FCCJ

Keiko Tashiro,
Executive Managing Director, Daiwa Securities Group Inc.
FCCJ series: Women Speak -- "Women in Finance"
Wednesday, June 25, 2014, 12:30 - 13:30

大和証券グループ本社 常務執行役 田代 桂子

Join us to hear one of the most successful women in Japan's securities industry: Keiko Tashiro of Daiwa Securities. As part of the FCCJ's special series on this country's underutilized female labor force, we have invited Tashiro, recently promoted to executive managing director of the company, to talk about how she has survived and thrived in a male-dominated environment.

Daiwa is one of Japan's most successful securities companies. And Tashiro is the first woman to hold the executive managing director position and the first woman ever on the company's board. She is also deputy head of overseas operations, in charge of America.

Her promotion follows close on the heels of the appointment of Chie Shimpo as head of Nomura Trust and Banking. It's not clear if the appointments are coincidental or part of corporate Japan's response to Prime Minister Abe's exhortations to place more women in senior positions in all industries. Japan's finance industry is notoriously conservative, and top positions are overwhelmingly held by men. This will be a rare opportunity to hear the thoughts of one of the very few women who has made it to the highest echelons of Japan's financial sector.

Tashiro graduated from Waseda University in 1986 and earned her MBA from Stanford University.

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